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PETKUS bucket elevator for grain

Bucket Elevator BE for Grain

PETKUS bucket elevators are used for gentle, vertical transport of all grained and free-flowing bulk products. PETKUS offers a model dedicated to the conveying of seeds

  • flexibility through modular construction 

Conveying speed 2 - 3 m/s

The bucket system in detail

  1. Durable, galvanised sheet steel construction
  2. Drive motor with back stop device
  3. Oil-resistant, antistatic conveyor belt
  4. Elevator buckets in various designs and volumes
PETKUS bucket elevator scheme

Low space requirement due to compact design

Durable buckets available in antistatic plastic or steel design

Variable conveyor height of up to 50 m

Discover the BE series for grain


Пропускная способность up to 100 т/ч

Пропускная способность up to 150 т/ч

Пропускная способность up to 200 т/ч

Пропускная способность up to 400 т/ч

Пропускная способность up to 600 т/ч

Пропускная способность up to 800 т/ч

Пропускная способность up to 1000 т/ч

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